Special shows

Special shows for great occasions

Looking for an idea for a works outing, significant birthday or a family celebration?

Every day from 6pm and between May and October you can make an exclusive booking for your friends, colleagues, staff or your family to enjoy a flying show in the Eagle Arena at Landskron Castle. Of course you can also choose a particular emphasis that matches your event. So if you’re a fan of the majestic eagle or if super-fast hawks are among your favourite animals, we’ll be very happy to meet your wishes. We can also arrange for speeches before or after the flying show.


Single fee of 140 EUR plus 10 EUR gross per person

Minimum number

25 persons (for smaller groups, the single fee increases to 250 EUR)


about 30 – 45 minutes, depending on your wishes


English, German or Italian

Of course this one-off experience can be combined perfectly with a 30-minute, exclusive tour of our birds of prey park (100 EUR gross) or by visiting the outstanding Landskron Castle Catering.

We look forward to your non-binding inquiry via info@adlerarena.com.