Ein herzliches Dankeschön an unseren Jubilar Jakob Zmölnig

Ein herzliches Dankeschön an unseren Jubilar Jakob Zmölnig

For many years, amateur ornithologist and amateur photographer Jakob Zmölnig is a welcome guest in the Adler Arena Burg Landskron . He has become a true friend and his beautiful photos are an indispensable advertising for our Eagle Arena .

Franz Schüttelkopf mit Jubiläumsbuch ‘Naturfotografie Jakob Zmölnig’ , einem unserer Adler und Jubilar Jakob Zmölnig. © Michael Rzepa

Franz Schüttelkopf with the beautiful photo book ‘Naturfotografie Jakob Zmölnig’ , our eagle and Jakob Zmölnig. © Michael Rzepa

As present for his 80th birthday, his children designed  a photo book for the jubilee with beautiful shots and entertaining anecdotes from the many years of ‘ waiting for the right moment for a perfect photo ‘ .

As a ‘thank you’ for many years of cooperation, we also got one of Jakob Zmölnig`s `Jubilee Books’. On the cover there shines a photo of our young eagle, naturally done by Jakob Zmönig.

We wish Jacob Zmölnig many healthy years with perfect moments and perfect pictures and a lot of joy with his hobbies.